

1. 環境ビジネスオンライン


2. サービス運営事業者

株式会社 日本ビジネス出版

3. 管理者(若しくはその代理人)の氏名又は職名、所属及び連絡先

管理者名 : 白田 範史
所属部署 : 株式会社 日本ビジネス出版 環境ビジネス編集部
連絡先電話番号 : 03-5287-8600

4. 個人情報の取得


  • 本サービスを提供するウェブサイトへアクセスしていただく場合等
  • 本サービスへご登録いただく場合
  • 展示会、セミナー、その他イベントへのお申し込み、アンケートへのご協力、懸賞へのご応募をいただく場合
  • 本サービスに関して当社にお問い合わせをいただく場合
  • サービス提供者/提携先が本サービスとは別に取得した個人情報が当社に提供される場合
  • 本サービスをご利用いただく場合




  • 本サービス内の各ページ・機能等へのアクセス履歴
  • サービス・商品の利用・購入等の取引履歴個別のサービスへの登録状況
  • 展示会、セミナー、その他イベントへのお申込み、アンケートへのご協力、懸賞へのご応募の状況


5. 個人情報の利用目的



  • 本サービスを利用する際の、ログイン時またはログイン後の情報自動表示のため
  • 電子メール配信サービスのお申し込みの確認や各種メール送信のため
  • 契約の履行(商品、サービスの提供等)のため
  • 商品、サービスに関する情報の提供および提案のため
  • 商品、サービスの企画および利用等の調査に関する、お願い、連絡、回答のため
  • 商品、サービス、その他のお問い合わせ、依頼等の対応のため
  • 展示会、セミナー、その他イベントに関する案内、回答のため
  • 代金の請求、回収、支払い等の事務処理のため
  • その他一般事務の連絡、お問い合わせ、回答のため
  • ご要望いただいた広告掲載会社への資料請求等の仲介のため
  • 各種アフターサービスの提供のため

(2) 本サービスの改良、カスタマイズその他利便性向上のため

  • サービス・商品等の内容の改善や新サービス・新商品の開発のため
  • 本サービスのご利用にあたってご覧いただくコンテンツや広告を、登録情報、利用状況等により、それぞれの利用者向けにカスタマイズするため
  • 利用者が注文したサービス・商品等に関する満足度等、本サービスに関する調査・アンケートのため
  • 本サービスのご利用にあたってご覧いただく、第三者から提供されるコンテンツや広告を利用者にとって利便性の高いものとするための、登録情報や利用状況の分析、または分析のためのアンケート対象の抽出、分析結果の第三者への提供のため(※当社が第三者に提供する分析結果に個人が特定されるような情報は含まれません)
  • 本サービス外での広告の配信状況の把握、広告効果の測定及び、行動ターゲティング広告の表示(一部サイトのみ)のため



6. 個人情報の開示


7. 個人情報の共同利用


  • 共同して利用される個人情報の項目:アカウント情報(氏名、性別、年齢、住所、所属組織、連絡先)、サイト内における行動履歴・デバイス情報・購入履歴、ネットワーク広告に関する情報、それらを基に生成される個人の興味関心に関する情報
  • 共同して利用する者の範囲:株式会社宣伝会議、学校法人先端教育機構
  • 共同して利用する者の利用目的:上記5.「個人情報の利用目的」のとおり
  • 個人情報の管理について責任を有する者:株式会社 日本ビジネス出版

8. 個人情報の第三者提供


  1. 商品の発送 、資料送付 、決済処理 を第三者に委託する場合
  2. 電子メール配信などのサービスにおいて、第三者が提供するサービスを利用する場合
  3. 展示会、セミナー、その他イベントを第三者と共催している場合
  4. 個人情報保護法以外の他の法令に基づき、個人情報を第三者提供する場合
  5. 統計情報など個人を直接特定できない情報として加工した状態で提供する場合
  6. 利用者の申し込みに基づき、広告掲載会社へ問い合わせ・資料請求等を仲介する場合
  7. 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために個人情報の第三者提供が必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  8. 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  9. 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき

9. データ保存期間


10. 国外へのデータ移転


11. ご本人が容易に認識できない方法により個人情報を取得する場合について


また当社のサイトでは個人情報を入力していただく部分にはすべてSSL(Secure Sockets Layer)のデータ暗号化システムを利用しております。さらに、サイト内における情報の保護にもファイアウオールを設置するなどの方策を採っております。ただし、インターネット通信の性格上、セキュリティを完全に保証するものではありません。あらかじめご了承ください。

12. お問合せ窓口


〒107-8418 東京都港区南青山3-13-18 313南青山 6F
株式会社 日本ビジネス出版 個人情報お問い合わせ窓口担当宛
TEL:03-5287-8600 FAX:03-5287-8601
(受付時間 9:00〜18:00※)

13. 免責・注意事項


環境ビジネス オンラインのコンテンツは投資・購買勧誘を目的としたものではありません。利用者は環境ビジネス オンラインの各コンテンツより得た情報を、利用者ご自身の判断と責任において利用していただくものとします。

環境ビジネス オンラインのコンテンツからは外部のウェブサイトなどへリンクをしている場合があります。リンク先のウェブサイトは当社が管理運営するものではありません。その内容の信頼性などについて当社およびその情報提供者は責任を負いません。

環境ビジネス オンラインでは、サイト内で商品を購入できるようになっています。購入に際して利用者が万一損害を被った場合も当社は責任を負いません。購入に関するお問い合わせは各販売者へお願いします。

当社は、以下の場合に環境ビジネス オンラインのサービスの全部もしくは一部を中止することがあります。当社は、環境ビジネス オンラインの中止によって利用者が被った損害について、一切責任を負いません。

  • システムの保守天災または第三者からの妨害行為などにより、サービス提供が困難と判断したとき
  • その他やむを得ずシステムの停止が必要と判断したとき

当社は、電気通信事業者、データセンターなどの障害により、利用者が環境ビジネス オンラインのサービスの全部もしくは一部をご利用になれなかった場合に利用者が被った損害について、一切責任を負いません。

14. パソコン向けサービスの利用環境

環境ビジネス オンラインは以下の閲覧環境でのご利用を推奨しています。それ以外の環境の場合には、一部機能が使用できない可能性がございますのでご了承ください。


  • Windows 7以上
  • Mac OS X 10以上
  • Android OS 6以上
  • Mac iOS 10以上


  • Microsoft Edge 最新版
  • Google Chrome 最新版
  • FireFox 最新版
  • Safari 最新版


  • JavaScriptが「有効」であること
  • Cookieを受け入れる設定であること

環境ビジネス オンラインでは、一部のサービスでご利用者から個人情報をお預かりすることがありますが、その際にはSSLにより情報を暗号化することで通信を保護しています。SSL暗号化に対応したブラウザーをご利用ください。



15. EU域内情報提供者の権利


Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 21, 2022

1. Environmental Business Online

This Privacy Policy establishes the policy to be applied when handling personal information obtained by Japan Business Publishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Company”), which provides information services using Environmental Business Online (https://www.kankyo-business.jp/) (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”), from people who use the Service (hereinafter referred to as “User”).

2. Service Operator

Japan Business Publishing Co., Ltd.

3. Name or Title, Affiliation, and Contact Information of Manager (or Manager’s Representative)

Name of manager: Norifumi Hakuta
Department of affiliation: Editorial department of “Environmental Business,” Japan Business Publishing, Co., Ltd.
Contact phone number: 03-5287-8600

4. Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company shall obtain information on Users primarily in the following cases within the scope necessary for providing the Service.

      • When a User accesses the website providing the Service, etc.
      • When a User registers for the Service
      • When a User applies for an exhibition, seminar, or other event, participates in a survey, or applies for a prize competition
      • When a User makes an inquiry to the Company concerning the Service
      • When personal information obtained by a service provider/business partner separately from the Service is provided to the Company
      • When a User uses the Service

When a User accesses a website providing the Service or engages in a similar action, the Company shall automatically obtain information such as the User’s advertisement and website browsing history, browsing status, and usage environment from the User’s browser using IP addresses, cookies, web beacons, etc.
When a User registers for the Service, the Company shall ask for the User’s name, email address, date of birth, sex, occupation, and other items of personal information.
In addition, when the User uses the Service after registration, the Company shall obtain the following information on the User’s usage status in association with the information that can identify the User.

      • Access history to pages, functions, etc., within the Service
      • Transaction history of service/product use, purchases, etc., and status of registration for individual services
      • Status of application for exhibitions, seminars, and other events; participation in surveys; and application for prize competition

In addition, the Company may receive information from service providers/business partners regarding transaction records and settlements made between the User and the Company or service provider/business partner.

5. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Company shall use the personal information it obtained from a User for the following purposes.

(1) To allow the Company to provide the Service and the User to use the Service

      • For automatic display of information at or after login when using the Service
      • For confirmation of application for email distribution services and sending various emails
      • For the execution of contracts (provision of goods, services, etc.)
      • For the provision of information and proposals concerning products and services
      • For requests, communication, and responses in connection with surveys regarding the planning, use, etc., of products and services
      • For responding to inquiries and requests regarding products, services, and other matters
      • For guidance and responses regarding exhibitions, seminars, and other events
      • For administrative processing such as billing, collection, and payment
      • For other communication, inquiries, and replies regarding general affairs
      • For the provision of mediation in Users’ requests for information, etc., from advertising companies
      • For the provision of various after-sales services

(2) To improve, customize, and otherwise improve the convenience of the Service

      • For improving the content of services, products, etc. and developing new services and products
      • For customizing the content and advertisements that the individual User sees when using the Service based on his/her registration information, usage status, etc.
      • For surveys and questionnaires related to the Service, such as those concerning satisfaction with services, products, etc., ordered by the User
      • For analyzing registered information and usage status or extracting survey items for analysis and presenting analysis results to third parties in order to make the content and advertisements provided by those third parties that Users will view when using the Service highly useful for Users (*Information that can identify individuals shall not be included in the analysis results the Company provides to third parties)
      • For ascertaining the delivery status of advertisements outside the Service, measuring the effectiveness of advertisements, and displaying Behavioral Targeting Advertisements (only on some sites)

(3) To provide the Service with respect to other matters

For the Company to provide the Service to the extent necessary in connection with (1) and (2) above

6. Disclosure of Personal Information

Users may submit a request to the Company’s Inquiries Desk for disclosure of their personal information (e.g., notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion of content, suspension of use or deletion, and suspension of provision to a third party). In such cases, the Company shall respond within a reasonable period of time after confirming the identity of the User.

7. Shared Use of Personal Information

The Company may share personal information in the following cases.

      • Items of personal information for shared use: Account information (name, sex, age, address, organization, contact information); activity history, device information, and purchase history within the site; information on network advertisements; and information on personal interests generated from the above
      • Scope of persons to engage in shared use: Sendenkaigi Co., Ltd., Advanced Academic Agency
      • Purpose of use of persons to engage in shared use: As stated in 5. “Purposes of Use of Personal Information” above
      • Person responsible for management of personal information: Japan Business Publishing Co., Ltd.

8. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except for the cases that fall under any of the following items, the Company shall not disclose or provide personal information to a third party without the consent of the User. However, cases of shared use or provision to a subcontractor shall not constitute disclosure or provision to a third party.

    1. When the shipment of goods, sending of materials, and settlement processing are outsourced to a third party
    2. When using services provided by a third party in services such as email delivery
    3. When an exhibition, seminar or other event is jointly held with a third party
    4. When providing personal information to a third party in accordance with laws and regulations other than the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
    5. When providing information that has been processed as statistical information or other information that cannot directly identify individuals
    6. When mediating inquiries, requests for information, etc., directed at advertising companies based on User requests
    7. When it is necessary to provide a User’s personal information to a third party for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the User
    8. When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain consent from the relevant User
    9. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, a local government, or a person who has been entrusted by a national institution/local government in executing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and in which obtaining the consent of the relevant User is likely to hinder the execution of said affairs

9. Data Storage Period

The Company shall keep a User’s personal information for as long as it is necessary to provide the Service to the User. The Company shall delete relevant data three years after the last use, modification, or access.

10. Data Transfer outside Japan

The Company may transfer personal information collected through the Service to another country. In such cases, the Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations when transferring the information.

11. Obtaining Personal Information Using Methods that are not Easily Recognizable to the Persons Concerned

The Company uses cookies to make its site more convenient for Users when revisiting the site. Said cookies do not infringe on Users’ privacy and do not have any adverse effect on Users’ computers.

In addition, the Company employs an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) data encryption system for all parts of the Company’s site where Users enter personal information. Moreover, the Company installs firewalls and takes measures for the protection of information within the site. However, Users are asked to understand in advance that, due to the nature of Internet communications, security cannot be fully guaranteed.

12. Contact Person for Inquiries

Inquiries regarding Users’ personal information are accepted by the following contact point.

313 Minami Aoyama 6F, 3-13-18 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8418
To: Person in Charge of the Personal Information Inquiries Desk, Japan Business Publishing Co., Ltd.
TEL: 03-5287-8600 FAX: 03-5287-8601
(Business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.*)
*Requests received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, the year-end and New Year holidays, and the Golden Week period will be handled on or after the following business day.

13. Disclaimer/Precautions

The contents of Environmental Business Online* are created based on various information and data considered to be reliable up to the time of creation. However, Japan Business Publishing (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and its information providers do not take responsibility for their accuracy, appropriateness, completeness, or other attributes. Neither the Company nor its information providers shall be liable for any damage that a User alleges to have suffered based on the information (*including contents delivered and shared on social media with the Company’s consent).

The contents of Environmental Business Online are not intended to solicit investment or purchase. Users are requested to use the information they obtain from the contents of Environmental Business Online at their own discretion and responsibility.

The contents of the Environmental Business Online may link to external websites. The linked websites are not managed or operated by the Company. Neither the Company nor its information providers assume any responsibility for the reliability of the contents of those websites.

The Environmental Business Online site allows Users to purchase products within the site. However, the Company shall not be responsible for any damage incurred by the User from a purchase. Please contact the seller for any purchase inquiries.

The Company may suspend all or part of the Environmental Business Online service in the following cases. The Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by Users as a result of a suspension of Environmental Business Online.

  • System maintenance: When the Company deems that the provision of services is difficult due to a natural disaster, disturbance from third parties, or other such reason
  • When the Company deems that the system must be suspended for other unavoidable reasons

The Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by Users if they become unable to use all or part of the services of Environmental Business Online due to the failure of telecommunications carriers, data centers, etc.

14. Service Use Environment for PCs

The following viewing environments are recommended for using Environmental Business Online. Note that some functions may not be available in other environments.


    • Windows 7 or later
    • Mac OS X 10 or later
    • Android OS 6 or later
    • Mac iOS 10 or later


          • Microsoft Edge latest version
          • Google Chrome latest version
          • Firefox latest version
          • Safari latest version


          • JavaScript enabled
          • Settings set to accept Cookies

    Some of the services provided by Environmental Business Online may collect personal information from users. In such cases, the system will encrypt the collected information using SSL to protect communication. Please use a browser that supports SSL encryption.

    *Although the Company has basically verified that the site works in the above-mentioned environments, some display problems may occur depending on your environment.

    *Please note that your communication environment and the performance of your computer may negatively affect your viewing experience.

    15. Rights of in-EU Information Providers

    Users who have provided personal information from within the EU have rights of access, correction, deletion, processing restriction, data portability, and objection (hereinafter referred to as “Data Subject Rights”) with respect to their personal information held by the Company. To demand your rights pertaining to your personal information, please contact the Company using its inquiry form.